The following is a notice from Ralph Maly about the L Titles decision. More details will follow:

The award does not take us all the way to where we wanted to be; however, it ges us a 2% base wage increase for the L titles and the Information Service Agents. There are also zone colsolidations and upgrades. This is a step in the right direction. On average, the increase in weekly base wage for the L titles before the next general wage increase will be for an L4 $14; an L3 $13; an L2 $12 and for an L1 $10. The IS agents will get on average about $6 more per week. Additionally, there will be a lump sum payment to all L titles and ISA's from the remaining pot of money.

We have checked the legal options. The arbitrator's finding is binding and final, so we are in the process of having the award implemented as soon as possible. The arbitrator clearly examined the issues at state.

As we make additional progress with details on the zone consolidation and wage increases, we will keep you informed.